my newest rave album i think it rules

Monarch Of Death Rave by Rotteen

Genre - Electronic Rave / Hardcore


From the same creator as What You Do EP, just several years in the future. I got to this album about 5 years late, but the good thing is that music never actually goes out of style, so I can listen to it whenever I want to. Always loved rave styled music, and this album is no exception. It is bouncy and quick and filled with funky and straight up silly melodies that will make the listener tap their foot and sway in their chair to the beat.

Favorite Tracks - Terrible Time At Sanctuary, Crane's Rage

Terrible Time At Sanctuary has a horribly misleading title. It's actually a lovely time. The track itself sounds like an old video game soundtrack, almost taking from the likes of Sinistar and Tempest, with an extra rave flair to it. It is a great intro to the album, and it tells you right out of the gate what to expect when you listen to the tracks to come. It will be fast and fun and full of rhythm and drums. What more could you ask for?

I personally have a very strong love for Speedcore, and Crane's Rage takes me right back to what I used to really love about The Quick Brown Fox and all the music like it. Fast drums and crazy sampled vocals, along with the usage of my personal favorite TTS, Microsoft Sam, this song is a serious callback to the WANDERLUST and NERVE'S ENDING, while still maintaining the melodic rave feeling of the album. It pairs very well with Terrible Time At Sanctuary because of their similar keys as well, and I think the two are a lovely pair when listened to back to back. I found Crane's Rage first before I listened to the rest of the album, and I kept on revisiting it because it was such an addictive song.

Planet Belligerence - Least Favorite Track

Same as the previous album, choosing a least favorite is difficult when all of the music flows into itself so well. I think my dislike for this song stems solely from the fact that I do not enjoy the theme changing close to the 1 minute mark in the song. I really enjoyed the beginning of the song and the ending, but I feel like it could have been two separate songs and be far better that way. I'll still listen to it though. It's a fun song.

Monarch of Death Rave is an album that would easily blend into a DJ set at a rave festival and nobody would know it was from a furry artist unless they knew who Emma Essex was. I don't think anyone would be surprised if they found out, though. It's an album that appeals to me specifically because of my love of rave and gabber music, but I know a lot of people would not like the album for that exact reason. I probably will not end up listening to it as frequently as some of my other favorite gabber albums, but it's a nice revisit every once in a while.

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